니지의 언어

Korean Idioms :: 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다 (A kind word is rewarded with kindness) 본문

한국어/Korean Slangs & Idioms

Korean Idioms :: 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다 (A kind word is rewarded with kindness)

하니지 2023. 5. 22. 23:08



"가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다"

(A kind word is rewarded with kindness)

Korean idiomatic expressions are an integral part of the language, offering insights into Korean culture, values, and wisdom. These idioms often contain profound messages that can resonate with people from all walks of life. In this blog post, we'll delve into one of the most useful Korean idioms, "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" (ganeun mari gowaya oneun mari gopda), which translates to "A kind word is rewarded with kindness." Join us as we unravel the meaning behind this expression and explore its practical applications through examples.



Meaning: "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" is a well-known Korean proverb that emphasizes the significance of kindness in communication and human interactions. 

The idiom suggests that when we choose to speak kindly and considerately to others, we are more likely to receive 

kind and favorable responses in return. It highlights the reciprocal nature of human relationships and encourages 

the use of compassionate language to foster positive connections.




The Power of Compliments: Imagine you have a colleague who has been working diligently on a project. Recognizing their efforts, you genuinely compliment their dedication and the quality of their work. In response, your colleague 

feels appreciated and motivated. They might express their gratitude by complimenting your contributions or offering assistance when needed. This situation exemplifies how "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" manifests in the workplace.

Resolving Conflicts: During a heated argument or disagreement, you have a choice to respond with harsh words or 

with kindness and empathy. By opting for the latter, you can defuse the tension and promote a more constructive 

conversation. When both parties strive to communicate kindly and respectfully, the likelihood of finding a mutually 

satisfactory resolution increases. The idiom reminds us that gentle and considerate language can pave the way for 

understanding and compromise.

Nurturing Relationships: In personal relationships, the idiom holds particular relevance. Expressing love, 

appreciation, and support through kind words strengthens the bond between individuals. For example, by regularly sharing compliments, expressing gratitude, or offering words of encouragement to your partner, you create an 

atmosphere of positivity and affection. Such acts of kindness can foster a deeper connection and contribute to a 

harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

Everyday Interactions: The idiom's wisdom extends to everyday interactions as well. Whether it's engaging with a 

cashier at a store, interacting with neighbors, or speaking with strangers, choosing to communicate kindly can have a profound impact. A simple "thank you," "please," or a warm greeting can brighten someone's day and elicit a 

positive response. By embodying the spirit of the idiom in our daily lives, we contribute to a more compassionate 

and considerate society.




The Korean idiom "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다" reminds us of the power of kindness in our words and interactions. 

By consciously choosing to communicate with compassion, empathy, and respect, we pave the way for positive 

responses and nurturing relationships. Incorporating this idiom's wisdom into our lives can enhance our personal 

and professional connections, creating a more harmonious and understanding society. So, let us embrace the 

transformative impact of kind words and strive to spread kindness wherever we go.
