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Korean Slangs :: 관종 (Attention Whore) 본문

한국어/Korean Slangs & Idioms

Korean Slangs :: 관종 (Attention Whore)

하니지 2023. 5. 20. 17:07

Decoding Korean Slang: Unveiling the Meaning of '관종' (Attention Whore)


Slang is an essential component of any language, and Korean is no exception. Korean slang terms add flair and expressiveness to conversations, reflecting the evolving nature of the language and the cultural context. In this blog post, we'll dive into the meaning of a popular Korean slang term, '관종' (gwanjong), which translates to 'attention whore.' Join us as we unravel the meaning behind this term and explore some examples of its usage.



'관종' is a slang term in Korean that refers to a person who craves attention and constantly seeks validation from others. It describes someone who engages in exaggerated or attention-seeking behavior to draw the focus onto themselves. This term is often used informally and can be considered derogatory, implying that the person's actions are excessive or annoying.




1. Social Media Seeker
In the era of social media, '관종' can be used to describe individuals who excessively post selfies, constantly seek likes and comments, and regularly update their online presence for the sole purpose of receiving attention and validation from others. For instance, if someone consistently uploads photos and videos of themselves doing mundane activities just to garner attention, their friends might refer to them as a '관종' in a playful or teasing manner.

2. Loud and Over-the-Top Behavior
Imagine a situation where a group of friends is hanging out at a café, and one person starts speaking loudly and flamboyantly to draw attention to themselves. They might use exaggerated gestures, tell elaborate stories, or make outrageous jokes, all with the aim of becoming the center of attention. In this scenario, their friends might good-naturedly call them a '관종,' highlighting their attention-seeking behavior.

3. Constantly Interrupting Conversations
'관종' may interrupt conversations or discussions, often with unrelated or irrelevant remarks, in an attempt to redirect attention towards themselves. For example, during a group conversation about a recent movie, someone might repeatedly interject with personal anecdotes or random facts about themselves, drawing attention away from the main topic. In this case, others may humorously label them as a '관종' due to their disruptive behavior.

4. Outlandish Fashion Choices
In the realm of fashion, a '관종' might be someone who consistently dresses in attention-grabbing or eccentric outfits to stand out from the crowd. They may choose bold colors, unconventional patterns, or wear extravagant accessories to ensure all eyes are on them. While their fashion choices may be a form of self-expression, their peers may affectionately tease them by saying, "너 정말 관종이구나!" (You're such an attention whore!).


Korean slang continually evolves, reflecting societal trends and cultural shifts. The term '관종' has emerged as a popular slang term in Korean, referring to individuals who crave attention and validation from others. While the term can be considered derogatory, it is often used in a playful or teasing manner among friends.


By understanding the meaning and usage of '관종,' we gain insights into contemporary Korean slang and how it captures the nuances of human behavior in pursuit of attention. So, the next time you come across this slang term, you'll have a better understanding of its connotation in Korean popular culture.
