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Easy Korean :: Difference between 살다 and 생활하다 (to live) 본문

한국어/Korean Grammars & Vocabs

Easy Korean :: Difference between 살다 and 생활하다 (to live)

하니지 2023. 5. 18. 15:38

"살다" (salda) and "생활하다" (saenghwalhada) are both Korean verbs that can be translated as "to live" in English, but they have slightly different nuances.



살다 (salda):
This verb refers to the general act of being alive or existing. It is often used to indicate one's physical existence or the state of being alive.

It can also be used to describe the basic necessities of life, such as eating, drinking, and breathing.


Here are some additional examples to illustrate the usage of 살다 (salda)

저는 오랫동안 살았어요.  - "I lived for a long time."

그는 건강하게 살아요. - "He lives healthily."

여기에서 살면 행복해질 거예요. - "You will become happy if you live here."





생활하다 (saenghwalhada):
This verb focuses on the way of life or the activities one engages in while living. It encompasses various aspects of daily life, including work, daily routines, hobbies, and social interactions.


It implies the concept of actively engaging in and managing one's life.

Examples of 생활하다 (saenghwalhada):


나는 매일 아침 운동을 하고 생활해요.  - "I exercise every morning as part of my daily routine."

그는 음악을 좋아해서 밴드에서 활동하며 생활해요.  - "He enjoys music, so he lives by being active in a band."

우리는 철저히 자연을 존중하며 친환경적인 생활을 지향해요. - "We respect nature and strive for an environmentally friendly way of life."




In summary, 살다 generally refers to the state of being alive, while 생활하다  emphasizes the activities and lifestyle associated with living.
